LipoSonix Slimming Machine


LipoSonix is a device that has been used to permanently get rid of fat cells and reduce waist size. LipoSonix uses focused ultrasound waves to permanently get rid of fat cells selectively in your problem areas. LipoSonix gets rid of these fat cells without surgery and with minimal side effects or downtime.

LipoSonix permanently disrupts the fat cells in the treatment area. One treatment is recommended in the area. A treatment takes about an hour. The current studies showed an average decrease in waist size of 4.6 cm after 3 months. This is essentially one pant size.

LipoSonix uses special technology called High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) to cause the death of fat cells safely and effectively. Focusing the ultrasound energy of LipoSonix at 1-2 cm below the surface of the skin avoids any burns or trauma to the skin and makes the treatment more comfortable. The fat cells are disrupted by the HIFU, resulting in an average 4-5 cm reduction in waist size for a one hour treatment.

The disrupted fat cells attract the body’s inflammatory and healing responses. Special cells called macrophages engulf the fat and cellular debris. The macrophages then transport the fat through the lymphatic and venous system, eventually to the liver. This process takes 2-4 weeks. The liver treats the fat from the macrophages just like fat you have eaten. Studies have not shown an increase in other body measurements after the use of LipoSonix. This means there is no measurable redistribution of the fat. We know it can’t go back to the treatment area because those cells no longer exist.

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 40 × 40 × 30 cm


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